Guest Blog Series: Summer's Journey

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Welcome to Season 10!!

Yon asked if I would share some nutrition stuff with CRC and my immediate thought was "Me!?  I am the fat girl. Who is gonna want to hear anything I have to say about nutrition?"  (My inner dialogue sucks.)

When I considered the idea, it was exciting though. I learn best when I share my own thoughts and experience so perhaps this is the opportunity to achieve my own goals while I share with the team. This first post I want to just talk to you guys and share what I am thinking but I will share recipes, ideas and suggestions as we train through season 10.

In 2013 I realized, at over 260 pounds, that I needed to make a change. I have now danced around the 100 pound total weight loss for over two years and something always keeps me stuck. I lose a little, gain a little, never quite accomplishing that 100 pound achievement. Why? 

Well, Food. Necessary. Fulfilling. Confusing as heck!

Eat more protein. Avoid animal proteins. Eat less carbs. Eat healthy carbs. Don't eat sugar. Get more fruits and vegetables. As a girl who has lost over 90 pounds, I have tried almost every diet. Counting calories, Paleo, Keto, Whole 30, starvation, plant-based, juice fasting.  I have been scared of food, avoided food, embraced food, loved food. 

The obsession of looking like a runner has been a constant for me but recently I am seeing a shift in myself.  A runner is a person who runs.  I run.  MY body is a runner's body. What's wrong with my body?  Why is another person's body what I want?

Ah-ha: my goal is happiness in my body.  As it is and as it runs. Does this mean I stop focusing on changing my body?  No, in fact I think focusing on being healthy and working to continue my weight loss journey is how I develop love for the skin I am in.

So, how do I nourish myself so I feel good, run well, sleep well and can build confidence as I go? My food choices lead to feeling good so the question I ask myself is why do I, at times, make choices that don't support my end goal?

I'm putting it out there.  End of 2019, I will be down a total of 100+ pounds. This is what I will be working on in 2019. Easy feat? Nope.

But I will share with you guys, as I go.


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